Ivan Clowsley


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Humans have been taking advantage of this prominent position on a hill top over looking the Aude river since the Neolithic. It is also on strategic trading routes between the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea with the Pyrenees not far away. Carcassonne has seen the Romans, been under Islamic rule for a while, been under siege in the Albigensian Crusade and seen a massacre and much more in its glorious history. It had huge restoration work done in the Victorian era started by Eugene Viollet-Le-Duc. His work was amended in places later but a fabulous job was done restoring the Castle to show how the castle was during specific periods of its development. This lead to it being declared a UNESCO world heritage site. And I had the good fortune of attending my step daughter’s wedding nearby, so I had to pay a visit camera in hand. Has anyone else been if not you must go. Ryanair fly from the Uk three days a week.

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Written by Ivan Clowsley.

Writer on this blog.