My first Time Team Newmarket
published onThe First King of Racing Series 19 episode 4

Now it might not go down as one of the best Time Teams ever made but for me it was brilliant, it lit a fuse that still burns brightly.
I saw on the internet somewhere one cold winters night that Time Team were relaunching their fan club so of course I joined. That was way back in early 2011 if memory serves. One of the perks of becoming a member at the time was being entered into a prize draw. Five lucky members each month were invited along to see an episode being filmed. Unbelievably the first draw I was in my name was drawn out. To say I was stunned is an understatement. A few weeks later a letter dropped on my mat with instructions about the dig’s location and what I had to do. The most important thing was to tell no one where it was taking place, so of course, I immediately went around to my parents and told them all about it but with instructions to keep quiet!
On the big day a Tuesday in July I drove down to Newmarket to my budget hotel and checked in. I’d never been to Suffolk before let alone Newmarket. It was a nice town full of horses and horsey people. At the allotted time I walked into the town and after asking directions I came to some large doors with a lock on them, it looked like the entrance to a secret building site. I was eventually ushered in and there he was Phil Harding, the living legend, oh my goodness there's Tony Robinson too, my jaw hit the ground and before I knew it I was led away to meet Tim Taylor. In those days I’d heard that Tim was the series producer but that’s about all I knew about him. He gave me a very warm welcome and I met the other club winners. Claire, Mark, Alison and Sharon who’d flown all the way from Melbourne Australia to be there!

The competition winners with Mr Harding.
This was now mid afternoon on day one of the dig and we had a guided tour of the trenches that had been opened up so far. We were told to be quiet when filming was in progress. That was easy enough, we were all to excited to talk much. About 5 pm a halt was called to the days digging and Phil said “right time for the pub” so we followed him. He was like the pied piper leading us up the road. this was unbelievable, we were in for the classic Time Team in the pub experience. We were not disappointed Phil, John, Jackie McKinley, Alex Langlands and other members of the crew joined us for a few beers. I thought these tv stars would be ferried around in limousines and staying in 5 star hotels but no to my amazement a mini bus came to pick them up and take them to the Premier Inn just out of town.

Tracey Smith showing me the ropes my first ever time using an archaeological trowel.

A hive of activity, I just couldn’t believe I was there to be honest.
Next morning after a hearty breakfast it was back to site to see what else we would be up to. Tim was keen for all of us to have a go at various aspects of archaeology so I had my first taste of troweling and Tracey showed me the ropes and was very patient but she had work to do so I didn't linger. We also had instructions on filming which were don’t look at the camera and if they had to re shoot a scene go back to doing exactly the same thing in the same place for take two. Raksha we heard had opened another trench over the road next to the Palace as the original building had been much larger than the present structure. So we went to see how she was getting on and I helped her with a bit of shoveling this was great, I'd do anything to help. We called in to see Victor at work he was doing one of his paintings it was beautiful and give us a real insight into what the king and his horses looked like when in a race. We were told Charles Il never lost a race. I supposed if you beat the king a nasty accident would befall you. Jimmy was geophysing the lawn and he explained to us the process so of course we had a go ourselves. Richard K. Morris the Historic Buildings expert gave us a tour of the Palace and told us about one particular window that had been recently discovered and it was the oldest of its type in England. We also met Helen doing some small finds identification, Blinky and his motorbike were there to. What a fabulous day and more beer in the pub with our new friends was to follow.

Tony with King Richard ll and Nell Gwyn.

Helen giving us the benefit of her wisdom, she was so nice as was everyone.
Our last day was only to be until lunchtime, the time had flown by, it had been so much fun. I got the Time Team Guide to the Archaeological Sites of Britain & Ireland book signed by most of the cast and we took yet more photographs. Everyone was so obliging, making time to chat and explain what they were doing and why. We watched the filming of the dig continue but just before lunchtime the stars were off to the races and we watched them in their finery prepare to leave in the now famous mini bus. The crew were attaching mic’s to them so the viewers could hear the conversation out on the race course but it was proving tricky deciding where to place the mic on Mary Ann's dress. It needed to be out of sight, the solution was to tape it to her thigh! It was time to depart, we didn’t want to go, but we said our good byes and left site still in a happy daze.

Victor weaving his magic.

Getting ready for the races.
What a brilliant three days I was floating on air for weeks after and kept my Time Team wrist band on until it fell off. I loved it and and felt a calling, archaeology was going to be my new passion. As an added bonus when the programme was aired I’d made a fleeting appearance.

In the pub with the team another iconic Time Team moment.
Thanks to Sharon, Alison and Claire for allowing me to use their photo’s.
You can let me know your thoughts here.

Written by Ivan Clowsley.
Writer on this blog.